How do I find time to work out and actually get results? The answer is simple: HIIT. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training, and it is the answer to this question that most people have. As a mom, a Licensed Massage Therapist, and a new blogger, I have had to take a hard look at what amount of time I’m really willing to spend working on my fitness. And although I love all things fitness, what I’ve found is that a shorter duration is better for me.
It is no secret that life is busy. It is busy and busier as the years roll on, but Lord knows I’m not getting any younger (and neither are you)! I have always (and still someday) wanted to join the CrossFit community, but alas, our budget doesn’t allow it, so I wanted to find something besides spending 2+ hours at the traditional gym. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against that format, and I do find value in it, but the season of life I am in, requires a shorter, on the fly, and results-driven option. Enter: HIIT.
HIIT is designed to take you through max effort bursts of exercise, followed by short recovery periods, and this technique of workout works for me. it works with my schedule, my kids can join in, and I’m seeing results I haven’t seen since I stopped playing soccer in college. I have watched my body go from 50lbs added on from pregnancy (and all the glorious eating that came with it), to leaner, faster, and stronger. I have felt my attitude towards exercise go from ho-hum to excited and challenged. I have seen my kids throw down burpee after burpee and learn that exercise can be a normal part of life. And best of all, I have witnessed others encouraged and inspired to change their perspectives in order to see and feel the results they are after.
Here is a FREE resource that I use, and I know you will LOVE (which by the way, I am 100% recommending on my own volition and is not a paid or requested plug):
12 MINUTE ATHLETE. I mean, really? 12 minutes? YES! And there is also the 16 minute option. She has an app that rocks, which provides the workouts, the timer, the motivation, and the examples of each move. I LOVE this resource! She makes sure to remind you that there are some moves that are advanced, but that are worth working towards (and I TOTALLY agree)! There are also challenge workouts (which I believe are there for you to check in with yourself, figure out how you’re doing, how your fitness journey is going, which I also LOVE. I have pictured below the challenge workout I did last night, and it rocked my world. You can visit to learn more or download her app for FREE in the links below:
Here is what I did last night (a challenge workout), and it was crazy awesome:
Challenge workout
In less than 17 minutes, I completed a challenge workout, saved my time, and will compare this time to the next time I do this challenge workout.
Fitness can be fun, it can be challenging, and it can get you the results you want. I would love to know if you tried a HIIT workout, how you liked it, and what you feel it's doing for you! Tag me in your instagram photos and videos of you trying new things, new moves, new challenges. I will be posting a challenge photo or video every Sunday, checking my own progress and would love it if you would join me in that, too! Let's go for it!
Below is an example of a Sunday challenge move at #thewellplace: